
When I was setting up S3 with my toy project in Spring Boot, this dreadful error kept popping up.

Could not resolve placeholder ‘’ in value “${}”

I met this dreadful error many times when setting up values of JWT token by getting them from application.yml file so I was annoyed.


Here was my wrong application-member-local.yml file.

#above are the regular spring settings

      access-key: XX
      secret-key: XX
      bucket: codingmates
      dir: /codingmates/hola
      static: us-west-1
      auto: false

I thought there was something wrong with my multi-module architecture and I tried placing this setting on all the relevant .yml files and not just application-member-local.yml file.

It didn’t work so I checked which configuration the project was running on by default and it was running on 1)local, 2)member-local 3)project-local 4)skill-local, which are all the local modules + 1 common module. So the configuration was fine.

What is the error then??

Turns out, when I was calling the value with @Value, I misspelled the directory, a very careless mistake. In my AWSConfig class, I was calling it via accessKey (notice there is no - between “access” and “Key”) but in my yml file, I am calling it via access-key (2 different variable names).

public class AwsConfig {

    private String accessKey;

    private String secretKey;

So I corrected the names to accessKey and secretKey in my yml file and it worked!