
1) Remember to ALWAYS set default values as starting points for our DP iteration (e.g. dp[0]= sth)


Let’s take this Fibonnaci example

It is good to get the logic first and start from recursive, then implement memoisation for DP. Lastly, iterative solution would be the best.

Another example is house robbers

Practice questions

연속 펄스 부분 수열의 합

I referred to but the intuition is better explained in

Original thought

My original thinking was calculating maximum sum of consecutive subsequences using Kadane’s algorithm. But it didn’t work out so I googled for more insight.

DP thinking

So instead of considering all possible cases of this pulse sequence, we can just create 2 pulse sequences of those 2 given patterns. If we do 완전탐색 we will get O(n^2) time complexity so it will cause runtime error. Instead, we can use DP but what condition do we set?

First, we create a 2d list DP, where dp[0] will contain the first pulse sequence that follows pattern (1,-1,1) and dp[1] will contain the second pulse that follows pattern (-1,1,-1). Then, dp[whichever pulse sequence][index] will be the maximum sum of a subsequence that must end the subsequence with that index.

So we have 2 choices - if the previous subsequence sum(dp[whatever pulse sequence][index-1]) and our current value at the current index is bigger than just our current value at current index, we take the bigger value. But if subsequence we had was really negative, then we are better off starting fresh with our current value at current index.

So the relation is

DP[0][index] = max(current_value, current_value + dp[0][index-1])

DP[1][index] = max(current_value, current_value + dp[1][index-1])

my correct solution 웬일로?

def solution(sequence):
    length = len(sequence)
    dp = [[0 for _ in range(length)] for _ in range(2)]
    #     dp[we have 2 possible lists with 1,-1,1 or -1,1,-1 pattern][sum up till which index]
    dp[0][0]= sequence[0]
    answer=max(dp[0][0], dp[1][0])
    for index,value in enumerate(sequence):
        if index==0:
        if index%2==0:
            dp[0][index] = max(value,value+dp[0][index-1])
            dp[1][index] = max(value*-1,value*-1+dp[1][index-1])
            dp[0][index] = max(value*-1,value*-1+dp[0][index-1])
            dp[1][index] = max(value,value+dp[1][index-1])
        answer=max(answer, max(dp[0][index],dp[1][index]))
    return answer

Better solution

refer to We can actually just use the same sequence and return absolute values of the minimum and maximum subsequence sum because by taking the abs(), you have same effect as reversing that pulse sequence pattern. (1,-1,1 -> -1,1,-1)