
Just remember that the compiler checks the class of the reference variable, not the class of the actual object at the other end of the reference

Previously, in Object Class Polymorphism, we wanted to get a Dog from ArrayList that has Dog methods. But we couldn’t because method that we can use is based on the reference type, not the object type.

However, we can cast and object reference back to its real type.


Object o = list.get(index);
//cast object back to the Dog type
Dog d = (Dog) o;

//no compile issue

If we are sure that the object is really a Dog, we can make a new Dog reference by coping the Object reference and forcing that copy to go into the Dog reference variable, using a cast (Dog). We can now use the new Dog reference to call Dog methods.

If you are not sure of its type, we can use instanceof operator. If it is wrong when we try casting, we get a ClassCastException at runtime.

if(o instancof Dog){
    Dog d = (Dog) o;