While I was creating a test case for my JPArepository to save a post in my toy project:

    private ProjectRepository projectRepository;

    public void createPost(){
      List<Project> projectList = projectRepository.findAll();
      Project project = projectList.get(0);

At the createPost function, NullPointerException occurred.

Why? My repository has no problem…?

Turns out projectRepository, which has been DIed, is null.

But why is it null?

Because there is no @RunWith annotation. Whenever conducting test with SpringBootTest, you need to use the SpringRunner class, which is inherited from JUnit.

So bean is not DIed properly, causing NullPointer error.


  • When JUnit framework conducts test, runs the built-in Runner class
  • If you want to use @SpringBootTest annotation, need to use @RunWith(SpringRunner.class), which inherits JUnit SpringJUnit4ClassRunner class.
  • 스프링과 테스트 통합


  • for an integrated test
  • Integrates individual 단위 tests into 1 integrated test
  • But it loads all the application’s settings so as the app scales, it becomes slower
  • 스프링 부트를 띄우고 테스트 (이거 없으면 @Autowired does not work)


  • 반복 가능한 test 지원
  • For each test run, starts transaction and when test finishes, rolls back the transaction forcefully


  • for JPA test
  • When individual 단위 test ends, automatically rolls back the DB
  • Uses in-memory DB
  • If want to test in the actual DB, add @AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE) annotation


Annotation Explanation Bean
@SpringBootTest 통합 테스트, 전체 Bean 전체
@WebMvcTest 단위 테스트, Mvc 테스트 MVC 관련된 Bean
@DataJpaTest 단위 테스트, Jpa 테스트 JPA 관련 Bean
@RestClientTest 단위 테스트, Rest API 테스트 일부 Bean
@JsonTest 단위 테스트, Json 테스트 일부 Bean

[Test annotations]

Reference: https://n1tjrgns.tistory.com/224