JPA 연관관계 편의 메서드
Without convenience methods
Actually, JPA works just fine when we just input values into the 연관관계 주인. But it is not really Object-Oriented (OO) to just input value at the Many side. Also, until transaction.commit can be invoked and DB queries that data, the One side does not the know entity’s 연관관계 so if we try printing out the data in One side, it is null.
For example, let’s look at this:
Team teamA = new Team();
Member memberA = new Member();
// memberA에 연관 관계 설정
System.out.println("memberA.getTeam : " + memberA.getTeam());
System.out.println("teamA.getMembers() : " + teamA.getMembers(0));
The last line does not run because in memberA, we set teamA but at the opposite side, teamA has not been mapped with memberA so it does not have any member value.
So if teamA needs to know memberA, we have to do em.flush() and em.clear() to clear out PersistenceContext and force DB query to find that value. This is more OO. I have discussed em.flush() and em.clear() here
With convenience methods
public Member {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "MEMBER_ID")
private Long id;
private String name;
private Team team;
public changeTeam(Team team) {
// Member에 이미 Team이 설정되어 있을 경우
if( != null) {
// team에서 해당 Entity를 제거;
// 해당 member Entity에 파라미터로 들어온 team 연관 관계 설정 = team;
// 파라미터로 들어온 team Entity에 member 연관 관계 설정
all the 연관된 entities have to be in managed state
To save entities in 연관관계, all the 연관된 entities HAVE to be in managed state (i.e persisted by EM)
Team team = new Team(“team1”)
Member member1 = new Member(“brian”)
//team is persisted and in managed state so can do this
Important confusion: wait I thought em.persist() stores all the SQL queries in SQL저장소 and it is only when em.flush() that the SQL queries are sent to DB? So here, don’t you need em.flush() before member can setTeam(team1)?
It is correct that SQL queries are stored in SQL저장소 and not sent to DB yet when em.persist() happens. But as mentioned, the entities only have to be in managed state via EM , not actually saved in DB.
For the flush bit, I am still confused. OHHHH flush is called after persist in certain cases, according to ChatGPT.
for bi-directional 연관관계
For bi-directional 연관관계, only the 연관관계 주인 is mapped with DB 연관관계 so can manage the FK. Owner can create, update or delete. But the opposite side can only read
Emphasis: common pitfall is entering values not on the 연관관계 owner but the opposite side. ONLY the owner can change the value of FK
member1.getTeam().add(team1) works bcos Member is owner team1.getMembers().add(member1) will NOT work and team_id will be NULL cuz only the owner can change the value of FK
But thinking OOP without JPA, it is only right to set values on BOTH sides as if we set only 1 side, it will not work for that side. So following OOP, best practice to set values on both sides like
member1.getTeam().add(team1) works bcos Member is owner
Although team.getMembers.add will not work anyway, it is OOP design
As mentioned we need to consider both sides and set values on both sides. If we call the methods separately like
it might cause unintentional error.
So best practice is that for 양방향, it is best to use these 2 codes like one function.
for Member
Private Team team;
Public void setTeam(Team team){ = team;
HOWEVER, when we do
Member findMember = team1.getMember();
Team1 still has member1 in it because teamA -> member1 (teamA referencing member1) relationship is not removed. When we want to update 연관관계 from teamA to teamB, if there is an initial team (of teamA), we need to remove that 연관관계 like
private Team team;
public void setTeam(Team team){
if( !=null){;
} = team;
BTW, even though teamA->member1 reference relationship is not removed, there is no problem to change FK value. This is because Team.members, which sets the reference relationship of teamA->member1 is not the 연관관계 owner. FK value is changed accordingly cuz set ref relationship of member1 -> teamA.
When EM is renewed and in new persistence context, teamA.getMembers() is null cuz FK relationship is cancelled. Issue is when the reference relationship is changed (teamA to teamB for member1) and in that same PC(where it is not renewed or closed), member1 is returned. So anyway it is safe to use this 편의 method.
Also v important, you can put 2 편의 methods for both sides like setTeam and addMember but if have both sides, may go into infinite loop. Just call one 편의 method.