
querydsl expressionexception iarstatisticswithpartnerdto with root cause java.lang.nosuchmethodexception

So I was encountering that exception error when I was using querydsl in my repo. I have placed @Data annotation on my DTO, which I have been doing for my toy project as well and found no problem. But upon googling, I found that my understanding of this annotation is misplaced.

@Data annotation comprises of 5 annotations in Lombok - getter, setter, requiredargsconstructor, tostring and equalsandhashcode.

When using projection with querydsl, it is a MUST to include a constructor. RequiredArgsConstructor is not making a constructor in this case cuz all of my fields of my DTO are not final.

So as a solution, just create a basic constructor that takes no arguments like @NoArgsConstructor. Or you can put both noargs and allarags.