BooleanExpression in Querydsl and use booleanexpression over booleanbuilder
very useful tips for spring boot and especially booleanexpression over booleanbuilder
Using SprintUtils.hasText() to compare strings
So comparing strings in BooleanExpression is easy we just do
private BooleanExpression reqUrlEq(String reqUrl){
return StringUtils.hasText(reqUrl) ? statistics.reqUrl.eq(reqUrl) : null;
Which I just realised hasText is a method in StringUtils class. Why I was surprised is because I thought hasText is a method of BooleanExpression.
Anyway, how about comparing LocalDateTime parameter with a search condition of LocalDate? For example, I have a createdAt localdatetime timestamp for each record created. I want to make a condition to check if it is between a search date condition, specifically within today date’s LocalDate range (e.g. 2023-04-04). If I just compare with today’s LocalDateTime, obviously it wont match cus it has to be exact to the microsecond.
So I have been trying to search for a solution and here it is:
Solution: We format the incoming LocalDateTime using Expressions.stringTemplate and the parameter we pass (“TO_CHAR) depends on your type of db. If you are using H2 like that blog, then you have to use FUNCTION(DATE_FORMAT).
Here it is for Oracle:
String todayDate = String.valueOf(
StringExpression formattedDate = Expressions.stringTemplate(“TO_CHAR({0},’yyyy-mm-dd’)”, statistics.createdAt);
Return formattedDate.eq(todayDate);
I needed to build a query that join multiple tables on multiple matching conditions. One of the matching conditions had a field (clientName) that was not present in my main table (Statistics) so I needed to create a separate subquery, to be included in my main query. I implemented BooleanExpressions for the matching where conditions.
public void updateCountIfMatch(String reqUrl, LocalDateTime createdAt, String statusCode, String clientName){
JPQLQuery<Long> subquery =
// blabla
I thought in the JPQL subquery, I need to select client.clientName, which was the field that I want to match and it wasnt in my stats table but actually, needs to be selected to be the primary identifier for the main query.