very useful tips for spring boot and especially booleanexpression over booleanbuilder


Using SprintUtils.hasText() to compare strings

So comparing strings in BooleanExpression is easy we just do

private BooleanExpression reqUrlEq(String reqUrl){
    return StringUtils.hasText(reqUrl) ? statistics.reqUrl.eq(reqUrl) : null;

Which I just realised hasText is a method in StringUtils class. Why I was surprised is because I thought hasText is a method of BooleanExpression.

Anyway, how about comparing LocalDateTime parameter with a search condition of LocalDate? For example, I have a createdAt localdatetime timestamp for each record created. I want to make a condition to check if it is between a search date condition, specifically within today date’s LocalDate range (e.g. 2023-04-04). If I just compare with today’s LocalDateTime, obviously it wont match cus it has to be exact to the microsecond.

So I have been trying to search for a solution and here it is:

Solution: We format the incoming LocalDateTime using Expressions.stringTemplate and the parameter we pass (“TO_CHAR) depends on your type of db. If you are using H2 like that blog, then you have to use FUNCTION(DATE_FORMAT).

Here it is for Oracle:

String todayDate = String.valueOf(
StringExpression formattedDate = Expressions.stringTemplate(TO_CHAR({0},yyyy-mm-dd), statistics.createdAt);
Return formattedDate.eq(todayDate);


I needed to build a query that join multiple tables on multiple matching conditions. One of the matching conditions had a field (clientName) that was not present in my main table (Statistics) so I needed to create a separate subquery, to be included in my main query. I implemented BooleanExpressions for the matching where conditions.

public void updateCountIfMatch(String reqUrl, LocalDateTime createdAt, String statusCode, String clientName){
    JPQLQuery<Long> subquery =
//  blabla

I thought in the JPQL subquery, I need to select client.clientName, which was the field that I want to match and it wasnt in my stats table but actually, needs to be selected to be the primary identifier for the main query.