Why do we use @EventListener?

We use it to separate layers of business logics that are highly dependent on one another.

For example, let’s say when A Service runs A business logic, it requires B Service’s B business logic. In this case, we need to DI B Service into A service, placing B logic into A logic. This is not ideal because it is becoming reliant on other Service.

To solve this increasing connectivity, we create EventHandler, which is a layer, that separates and loosens this connectivity.

A 서비스의 a 로직 실행 -> 이벤트 발행 -> B 서비스의 b 로직 실행

이렇게 되면 A 서비스는 B 서비스의 변경사항과 관련없이 수정이 필요없게 됩니다.

Example of event and listener (my toy project)


https://shinsunyoung.tistory.com/m/88 https://sunghs.tistory.com/m/139

important: https://sabarada.tistory.com/184