
Spring Security login error of invalid username and password and a NullPointerException that loadUserByUsername was getting null.


So the issue is that my User entity, I am using “userId” as a field, not “username”. But Spring security login requires the explicit naming of “username”, not “userId”. I tried changing the userId variable name in “loginForm.html” to username and the functions like public UserDetails loadUserByUsername to take in “username” parameter. But it still didnt work.

Solution: in my 회원가입 register.html, my div for userId was as such:

 <label for=”userId”> User Id:
 <input type =”text” id=”userId” th:field="*{userId}" >
 <div class =”field-error” th:errors=”*{userId}”><div>

But when I changed the id tag from “userId” to “username”, it finally worked. Like this:

 <label for=”username”> User Id:
 <input type =”text” id=”username” th:field="*{userId}" >
 <div class =”field-error” th:errors=”*{userId}”><div>

Since the id tag in html matches with the name that Spring Security needs for config, it works now.