Dictionary (+Counter) and practice questions
Counter is a subclass of dictionary and thus has all methods of dictionary. We can actually compare Counter object with dictionary with ==
for i in range(len(discount)-9):
if dic == Counter(discount[i:i+10]):
answer += 1
And Counter is a dictionary-like object, which means it looks something like
Counter({'mislav': 1})
So if you want to get its key or value, you probably want to convert it to a list using list() because if you just do counter.keys(), you get
So convert it to a list like
answer = list(count.keys())
# if you want to get first key in the list of keys only,
# this is same as list[0]
# answer = list(count.keys())[0]
If you want to get a specific index as the key like [[“yellow_hat”, “headgear”], [“blue_sunglasses”, “eyewear”], [“green_turban”, “headgear”]] and you want a Counter with keys on the second index,
Either way is fine
count = Counter(cloth[1] for cloth in clothes)
cnt = Counter([kind for name, kind in clothes])
# Counter({'headgear': 2, 'eyewear': 1})
Java Dictionary’s keySet(), which consists of both key and value, is same as .items()
for key,value in dict.items():
# Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();
# for (String key : keySet) {
# System.out.println(key);
# }
for x in dic.keys()
If you want to iterate through the keys in dictionary
for x in dicX.keys():
# if dicX[x]==1 is also the same
if dicX.get(x)==1:
dic.get(key) is same as dic[key]
Both are the same
val = dic.get(key)
val = dic[key]
dict.contains(key) = if key in dict
Checking if dict contains this key can be done via
if key in dict:
if key not in dict:
# if dict.contains(key):
This is same as Java where if there is no such key found, we initialise that value for that key as 0. If we don’t do this and conduct some logic on our dic’s key right away like
for i in nums:
We will get a KeyError because there is no such key stored in our dict yet.
dic = defaultdict(list)
To avoid KeyError and if our dictionary needs to hold a list as a value, we can initialise this easily via
dic = defaultdict(list)
dict[key] = set()
If you want to set a set for a specific key so that no duplicate values are allowed for that key, declare it like this
dict[key] = set()
# Map<String, Set<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
# map.put("key1", new HashSet<>());
# map.put("key2", new HashSet<>());
iterating through highest keys in descending order
You can iterate through the highest keys in a dictionary by using the
function with the keys()
method of the dictionary.
my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5}
# Get the highest keys in descending order
highest_keys = sorted(my_dict.keys(), reverse=True)
# Iterate through the highest keys
for key in highest_keys:
value = my_dict[key]
print(key, value)
e 5
d 4
c 3
b 2
a 1
So you are effectively not sorting the dictionary itself, but smartly sorting the keys in descending order in a list separately and passing that key to dict to get the value.
sorted() with dictionary’s key and value
If we want to sort either dict’s key or value or both (.items()), we need to use sorted() first. Then, we pass what we want to sort (key, value, item) and a lambda function where we set the key parameter condition for sorting. If we want to sort based on the second index, we do
key = lambda x :x[1]
Also, very important that the sorted() produces a completely different list from the original list. We do not modify the original list so we have to declare another variable to get that new sorted list like
list = [3,2,4]
this_is_the_sorted_list = sorted(list)
If we don’t, there is no point because we didnt modify the list in the end. If you want to the original list to be modified, use sort() instead
Anyway, For 베스트앨범, we first get the key and value from dicCount where value is in descending order, and we use that key from dicCount and pass that into the inner for loop, where we get dicOrder[key], which contains a tuple of (index,value). We sort here on the value here too so x[1] for key lambda. Lastly, we slice that new sorted list via [:2], which means we only get 0th and 1st element in that new list.
dicOrder= defaultdict(list)
dicCount = {}
for key,totalCount in sorted(dicCount.items(),key= lambda x: x[1],reverse=True):
for index,value in sorted(dicOrder[key], key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)[:2]:
Practice questions
완주하지 못한 선수
Important that if you want to use Counter’s key or object, we need to convert its key or value into a list via list()
from collections import Counter
def solution(participant, completion):
count = (Counter(participant)-Counter(completion))
answer = list(count.keys())[0]
return answer
Note that to avoid KeyError, we need to put default value for a key that does not exist in our dict yet. That can be done via .get(key,0)
def solution(nums):
for i in nums:
length = len(dic)
return len(nums)//2 if length>len(nums)//2 else length
V important is that If you want to get a specific index as the key, do it like count or cnt. Either way is fine.
from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce
def solution(clothes):
count = Counter(cloth[1] for cloth in clothes)
cnt = Counter([kind for name, kind in clothes])
value = list(count.values())
product = reduce(lambda x,y: (x+1)*(y+1)-1, value)
return product
Then, we consider the possbilities of each clothes. We can either wear A,B or none so if we have 2 types of hat, we have 3 (2+1) possibilities. We multiply the possibilies but minus one because we cannot have the possibility of not wearing anything.
I got the explanation here https://coding-grandpa.tistory.com/88
베스트앨범 (Hard)
Anyway, For 베스트앨범, we first get the key and value from dicCount where value is in descending order, and we use that key from dicCount and pass that into the inner for loop, where we get dicOrder[key], which contains a tuple of (index,value). We sort here on the value here too so x[1] for key lambda. Lastly, we slice that new sorted list via [:2], which means we only get 0th and 1st element in that new list.
from collections import defaultdict
def solution(genres, plays):
dicOrder= defaultdict(list)
dicCount = {}
answer = []
index = 0
for key,value in zip(genres,plays):
dicCount[key] = dicCount.get(key,0)+value
for key,totalCount in sorted(dicCount.items(),key= lambda x: x[1],reverse=True):
for index,value in sorted(dicOrder[key], key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)[:2]:
return answer
We can further optimise via using enumerate on top of zip to get the index like
for index, (key,value) in enumerate(zip(genres,plays)):
dicCount[key] = dicCount.get(key,0)+value