Declaring role in SecurityFilterChain (I struggled with this a lot)
Fuck this /listAdminView. So in my SecurityFilterChain, I explicitly specified only the roles of Admin to be able to access this page. I thought there was something wrong with my implementation so I tried all sorts like
I checked my DB and UserStatus of ADMIN was saved just fine. Then I tried debugging and UserSecurityService when I realised this was the issue. I actually didnt add authority to my user found from DB in my loadUserByUsername function. So the UserDetails that is returned from my function had username and password but no authorities. It doesnt matter if we saved a user with ADMIN. We have to assign that ADMIN role to the user that is found via username from loadUserByUsername function because SecurityFilterChain finds that user.
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<>();
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(UserStatus.ADMIN.getValue())
// elif if there is other role like UserStatus.BASIC, same logic
return new UserAdapter(user)
This is not it. It is also not .hasRole(ADMIN) because hasRole() actually adds prefix ROLE_ infront of the string parameter that is passed in. So it is incorrect because our UserStatus is in the form of ADMIN(“ADMIN”). So use .hasAuthority(ADMIN.getKey()) to get the key of ADMIN, which is ADMIN (string). ADMIN.getValue() also works because it is also ADMIN(string).
In your html. infront of # like ${!#string.equals(a,b)}
For example, if you wanna show something only to admin ON THE SAME PAGE where admin and basic can access that page, we do
and ${!#string.equals(user.userStatus,'SUPERADMIN')}"
th:each = "user:${userDetailResponseDto}">
<td th:text = "${}"></td>
Or your home page, if you want to show a button only to authenticated and authorised BASIC users,
<div sec:authorize="isAuthenticated()">
th:if = "${string.contains(#authentication.principal.authorities,'BASIC')}">
only authenticated and basic users can see
Btw you need
implementation 'org.thymeleaf.extras:thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity5'
to use sec:authorize in thymeleaf in build.gradle