What is thread in Java? (feat. process)
It is an instance of program is loaded into memory and runs. It is a unit of work that allocates system resources from OS. Each process is allocated an independent memory area (code,data, stack,heap) and has at least 1 thread (main thread). Each process also runs in a separate address space so to access variables, etc, they need to communicate
A unit of multiple execution flows runs within a process. It is a unit of execution that uses the resources allocated to a given process.
Difference between process and thread is that each thread is given only a separate stack within the process. Code, data and heap space are shared. So multiple processes can be executed can be executed simultaneously while sharing resources in 1 process
A single application consists of multiple processes. Advantages:
- Failure of one process does not affect other processes Disadvantages
- Overhead in Context Switching: Each process is allocated an independent memory area (shared memory x), so when context switching occurs, all data in the cache must be reset and cache information received again.
- Context switching: When processing while working while rotating several processes in the CPU, the running process waits and keeps the state (Context) of the process. Performance degradation due to context switching back and forth between multiple processes
- Difficult and complex communication techniques between processes
An application is composed of multiple threads, each thread performing one test. A web server is a typical multi-threaded application. Advantages:
- Increased system resource efficiency: Reduced system calls for creating processes and allocating resources.
- Reduced system processing cost: Reduced system resource consumption (memory sharing outside of Stack). Context switching is fast because the amount of work between threads is small (only stack is processed)
- Simple communication method, shortened response time: Less communication burden because threads within a process share all memory except stack Disadvantages:
- Debugging tricky
- In the case of multi-threading, synchronization problems may occur
- If one thread fails, the entire process is affected.