
Without making 4 separate yml files, it is possible (and wise) to neatly combine into 1 application.yml file effectively.

How to set up yml and its respective environments?

//some common yml stuff for all 3 environments

    active: local
    active: dev
    active: prod

In your yml file: 1) place all the settings that are shared commonly on top 2) separate it with — 3) place your 3 environments below, separating each with —

When developing locally

By default, local profile is chosen and is active. But just in case, under Run tab, select edit configurations and type “local” to explicitly set that environment.

Selecting the environment YOU want and deploying

First, to create a jar file, you have 2 choice. 1) Enter this command:

./gradlew clean build

2) On the right tab of IntelliJ and under Gradle, select build folder and look for build. Click and a jar file will be built, which is stored in libs folder.

Then, how do you select the environment you want to run? By using this command, you can select your desired environment.

java -jar *.jar