Difference between NotBlank, NotEmpty and NotNull when validating DTOs
Why do we need to validate in the first place?
What if we enter an age into a name field? If we don’t check the validity of incoming data into our planned appropriate fields, it may wreak havoc on the system.
Let’s say we want a not-empty title for our post. We will use @NotEmpty which checks not just empty string and null but also empty white space “ “.
public class PostRequest {
private String title;
private String content;
// ...
Then in our controller,
public class PostController {
private final PostService postService;
public ResponseEntity<PostResponse> create(@RequestBody @Valid final PostRequest postRequest) {
final PostResponse postResponse = postService.create(postRequest);
return ResponseEntity.created(URI.create("/posts/" + postResponse.getId())).build();
// ...
Remember, Spring does not check the validity of DTO by us simply placing an @NotEmpty annotation at one of DTO’s fields. We have to place @Valid annotation in front of the method parameter we want to validate (i.e. in front of DTO). And add @Validated at Controller level.
When Spring Boot finds an argument annotated with @Valid, it automatically bootstraps the default JSR 380 implementation — Hibernate Validator — and validates the argument.
When the target argument fails to pass the validation, Spring Boot throws a MethodArgumentNotValidException exception. Exceptions caused by validation causes MethodArgumentNotValidException and causes 400 Bad Request (cuz it is the client’s fault).
@NotBlank checks for null and empty values. must be not null and their trimmed length must be greater than zero. @NotBlank can be applied only to text values and validates that the property is not null or whitespace. It is usually used to validate collections.
@NotEmpty is similar to @NotBlank but has 1 more validation functionality. It checks for null and empty values but allows empty whitespace “ “. @NotEmpty validates that the property is not null or empty; can be applied to String, Collection, Map or Array values. It is usually used for String.
Like @NotBlank, @NotEmpty 애노테이션은 위와 같이 길이가 0인 문자열로 요청을 보내면 에러가 발생합니다. For example, “” causes error both annotations. But NotEmpty allows whitespace “ “ and does not cause error. But NotBlank does not allow whitespace “ “.
It checks and rejects null values. It is usually used for LocalDateTime.