Spring MVC Basic Knowledge
- Web Application Server WAS
includes Web server functionalites and static resource managing
Difference between web server and WAS is web server is mainly for static resource while WAS can have application logic
Servlet does all except business logic
Contact switching cost is when CPU switches between its threads to do tasks.
WAS takes care of multi-threading so we developers no need care code about multi-threading
Server Side Rendering SSR - generates and renders final HTML page and delivers to client
Client Side Rendering CSR - front-end
View Template - generates HTML easily
- Servlet
In resources -> application.properties -> logging.level.org.apache.coyote.http11=debug this helps debugging much better but only in developmenmt server, not actual server cuz it will decrease performance
Ctrl + O and select service method with lock sign on it for HttpServlet
HTTP메소드에서 GET방식은 value=text 형식으로 보내지고 body가 없기 떄문에 Content-Type은 필요없다. HTTP메소드에 POST, PUT처럼 Body에 data를 보낼때 Content-Type이 필요하다. Content-type describes what kind of data is in body for humans to easily understand.
request.getParameterNames gets the key(paramName) while request.getParameter(paramName) gets the value of the key
Lombok library implements getter and setter automatically. We just need to add @Getter @Setter on top of the class
Instead of directly setting the response erro code by resp.setStatus(200); it is better to resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK)
Servlet, JSP, MVC
- Declare singleton
private static final MemberRepository instance = new MemberRepository();
- Then, create a private constructor to prevent making new instances of it
private MemberRepository() { }
- Lastly, create method getInstance() that always return this singleton instance
private static MemberRepository getInstance(){ return instance; }
Once it is singleton, cannot create another instance of it via MemberRepository memberRepository = new MemberRepository(), we should call the already-made single instance via MemberRepository memberRepository = MemberRepository.getInstance()
@AfterEach resets whatever test has done to variable after each test for the next test to be done on that variable
ol element in HTML lists items with numbers (ordered) like 1,2,3, but ul element lists items with just bullet points (unordered)
If status code is grey instead of black, it means it is cached
In MVC, Controller(controller logic) is like servlet , View(View logic) is like JSP and Service/Repository does business logic and data
Very Important It is the controller that calls the view like
@WebServlet(name="mvcMemberFormServlet",urlPatterns = "/servlet-mvc/members/new-form") public class MvcMemberFormServlet extends HttpServlet { @Override protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String viewPath = "/WEB-INF/views/new-form.jsp"; RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(viewPath); dispatcher.forward(request,response); } }
In JSP, if action=”/save”, (절대경로 absolute path, better than relative path) URL is localhost:8080/save but if it is action=”save”, (상대경로 relative path) it starts from current directory localhost:8080/servlet-mvc/members/save from localhost:8080/servlet-mvc/members/new-form.jsp
/WEB-INF restricts external calling, resource under /WEB-INF always goes through Controller and cannot be called externally like going to URL/some-resource.html <- this is not allowed
서블릿을 컨트롤러로 사용하고, JSP를 뷰로 사용해서 MVC 패턴을 적용해보자. Model은 HttpServletRequest 객체를 사용한다. request는 내부에 데이터 저장소를 가지고 있는데, request.setAttribute() , request.getAttribute() 를 사용하면 데이터를 보관하고, 조회할 수 있다.
Instead of saving user variables in request.setAttribute(), store them in a model
Since handler is object to be flexibly used in v5 MVC pattern, cast it to a different type via (ControllerV3) handler;
either @Controller or @Component with @RequestMapping works
Instead of @RequestMapping(value=”/new-form”,method= RequestMethod.GET), do @GetMapping(“/new-form”)
@Controller returns View so cannot directly return string but @RestController returns whatever the method type returns like string and inputs directly into HTTP message. Or use @ResponseBody that puts it straight into HTTP message body
@GetMapping("/mapping/{userId}") public String mappingPath(@PathVariable("userId") String data){ // public String mappingPath(@PathVariable String userId) <- if variable name is same as @PathVariable log.info("mappingPaath userId ={}", data); return "ok"; }
MultiValueMap is when a key gets several values
For @RequestParam(required = false) int age, Integer is object so can be null bunt int cannot be null. SO correct code is @RequestParam(required = false) Integer age. Primitive type (int). Different for @ModelAttribute so search up
For @ModelAttribute HelloData helloData, if the object has methods like getUsername(), it has username property.
@RequestBody Hellodata hellodata <-cant put your already-made object
can add @ResponseBody at the public class level, which adds @ResponseBody for all the classes inside it. ResponseEntity is not affected but there are few tricky exceptions. So just use @RestController, which adds @ResponseBody and @Controlelr together
In multi-thread environment, cannot use HashMap, use ConcurrentHashMap. cannot use long sequence, use automic long? sequence
2 ways to view static content: either copy absolute path of that html file and google without running server or run server and go to that file location via localhost:etc
Only GET and not POST works for viewing static content?
@Autowired, which is for Dependency injection, can be omitted if there is only 1 constructor
@RequiredArgsConstructor substitutes need to write constructor
for th:action=”some_url”, the url can be omitted and it is nesured that url method is POST
@ModelAttribute(“item”) Item item automatically adds attribute so no need to add this line model.addAttribute(“item”, item);
If no name is assigned with @ModelAttribute, it automatically takes the class that it is going to create object with and make it lowercase and name it like Item -> item or HelloData -> helloData
HTTP session is maintaing user’s details until he quits the browser but HTTP request deletes details once that request has been fulfilled
th:field= “${item.itemName}” automatates declaration of id=”itemName” name=”itemName” so can delete that
hidden field to prevent open from coming out null -> input type=”hidden” name=”_open” value=”_on”/
LinkedHashMap guarantees 순서 in which stuff go in, unlike HashMap
when naming stuff to be called by Thymeleaf, be careful (e.g. “regions” instead of “region”)
th:object=”${item}” so th:field=”*{regions} means item.regions. This th:object can be very far away in form tag and asterisk * can only be used if there is th:object
no hidden field needed for radio button, unlike checkbox
Even when invalid field for price/quantity is POSTed for new item, parameter for addItem - @ModelAttribute Item item autoamtically adds model.addAttribute(“item”,item) so when redirected, we can see item’s saved variables
no need to add bindingResult to model attribute because it is automatically added to view
bindingResult.rejectValue(“price”,”range”); the error message “range” follows range.item.price where bindingResult’s object type is item. MessageCodeResolver?
WebDataBinder works for that specific controller via boolean supports that checks class
@ModelAttribute(“item”) ItemUpdateForm form <-must name it as “item” because template uses “item” and if it is not renamed manually, model.addAttribute(“itemUpdateForm”,item) is done instead of model.addAttribute(“item”,item) so does not render properly unless u change th:object in thymeleaf
@RestController automatically adds @ResponseBody so it converts whatever to JSON
- @ModelAttribute 는 HTTP 요청 파라미터(URL 쿼리 스트링, POST Form)를 다룰 때 사용한다.@RequestBody 는 HTTP Body의 데이터를 객체로 변환할때 사용한다. 주로 API JSON 요청을 다룰 때 사용한다
List<Member> all = findAll(); for (Member member : all) { if(member.getLoginId().equals(loginId)){ return Optional.of(member); } } return Optional.empty(); <!-- is same as this stream --> return findAll().stream() .filter(member -> member.getLoginId().equals(loginId)) .findFirst();
@ModelAttribute(“member”) Member member <- no need to name it “member” cuz ModelAttribute automatically takes lowercase of Member object but in Thymeleaf, IDE sometimes does not detect it so name like this for now
Another example:
public Member login(String loginId, String password){ Optional<Member> findMemberOptional = memberRepository.findByLoginId(loginId); Member member = findMemberOptional.get(); if(member.getPassword().equals(password)){ return member; } else { return null; } return memberRepository.findByLoginId(loginId). filter(m -> m.getPassword().equals(password)) .orElse(null);
If no time info ias added to cookie, that cookie becomes session cookie which disappears upon browser exit
When there are multiple requests at same time, use ConcurrentHashMap
request.getCookies are returned as an array so Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
For @RequestMapping, we use HandlerMethod but for static resource, use ResourceHttpRequestHandler
log.error does not need “{}”, just “ whatever message”
Interceptor cannot set dispatcher type like filter but can include path route in excludePathPatterns
use ObjectMapper to convert to JSON for ModelAndView
server.error.include-message=always to customise error messages
for @ModelAttribute Form form, no need to model.addAttribute cuz automatically added (check this again but it is true)