The error

How I knew about this was through an error in test case. @Autowired was not working for my test case. The error of

“could not autowire no beans of type repository found test case”

kept popping up. StackOverflow recommended a @ComponentScan(basePackages=”com.gbc.atdd.repository”) but still, it didnt work.


Turns out, the issue was the misplacing my directories of repo, service and domain. Directory/location of my main file was under com.gbc.atdd.ibsos. I added my other directories (like domain, service, repo) at the same hierarchy level as ibsos. My directories should have been below ibsos directory like com.gbc.atdd.ibsos.repo

If you want to keep the same hierarchy level, you should add @SpringBootTest(classes = IbsosApplication.class) at the Test case class. But if you have just a few files to move around, I recommend just moving them.